
2015年1月收藏 胶衣女王Susan Wayland 苏珊·维兰德 官网全套56G



三月初,一口气注册了Susan Wayland、Melissa Debling、Georgie Darby、SunnyLeone、JordanCarver五站,后两者是为了更新内容而注册;还有亚裔模特FrancineDee刚整理完毕,容量高达120G,以上的注册模特将遂一发布或更新。

Susan Wayland官网的内容今年内不打算进行更新,因为更新进度稍为慢,在明年3月左右再去付费注册更新,到时候购买过全套的朋友可我了(仅限购买过全套的朋友!)



My name is Susan Wayland or simply Sway, which is my nickname. I was born on June 23rd, 1980, in Leipzig, Germany, and I also grew up in this beautiful city. As a teenager I got some experience with modeling or similar forms of it. In my school years, I loved drama, playing different characters, fulfilling the role. I was a part in different theater projects like "Romeo and Juliet" or "A Midsummer Night's Dream" from Shakespeare. In those parts, I lived my first passion for the stage and for acting. Years later, I was also an active part of a dance group and enjoyed working on stage again, playing different personalities -- sweet, sexy, cool, or earnest. Even as a teenager, I had a big weakness for sexy and extravagant outfits. When I met Norman Richter, we both discovered the material latex, and in an artistic way we both became a wonderful team. He loved being a photographer in his free time, and very soon I began to model for him. It didn't take long for us to build and develop our common hobby. It was such a new, interesting, and exciting feeling to model in latex and quickly I was totally addicted to that beautiful material which has become an important part of my life. Latex is such a unique material, it's so soft and nestles my body so closely and perfectly like no cloth could. Every touch feels much more intense when you wear latex, and I feel incredibly sexy and feminine like in no other form of dress.


